
EXPORTHELLAS offers consulting services to businesses that want to start, develop or improve their export activities. These services are progressive steps to promote your products / services on the international market. Each step follows the completion of the previous one so that the company has complete results in each of them, evaluate them and decide whether it makes sense to move on to the next one. The steps are priced separately and on a case-by-case basis and are as follows:

1. Market size for each product that the business is interested in exporting, a market survey is made for its size:

  • Is there an interest in this product, is it a product consumed and how much does the target market know about it?
  • What are the market trends per market, country and year, and in particular over the last three years?

2. Present the present market. Competition - prices

  • For each product to be exported, what is the competition?
  • Which companies sell it at what prices?
  • What are the sales outlets and through which sales channels are they distributed?

3. Investigating dealers, wholesalers
Since the first three questions have been answered positively and the business decides that it is profitable for it to export the specific product, EXPORTHELLAS undertakes to look for the right distributors for this product to store it and promote it to the final outlets by setting them terms of collaboration
The company evaluates, negotiates and concludes the most advantageous partnerships.

4. Making a commercial policy after the product has reached the final export stage and the previous procedures have been completed, EXPORTHELLAS establishes together with the company concerned its commercial policy for this target market, taking into account prevailing conditions and trends. Following the above stages the company ensures that it takes the appropriate steady steps and will have a full and complete investigation for each of the stages that will lead to its complete and successful outward-looking approach.